2022 MRWA Outdoor Expo Attendee (Operator) Registration
Earn up to 0.5 CECs
Michigan International Speedway
12626 U.S. 12Brooklyn, MI 49230-9068
United States
Event Details
If you get training brochures in the mail with your name on it, you are in the database so DO NOT ADD yourself or create a new account. If you do not know what email address we have on file for you, call the MRWA office.
You must include attendee cell phone number and email address. We do not share cell phone or email address and we do not plan to call cell phones unless there is an urgent message. Make sure the emergency contact is someone who will actually answer the phone. Please do not make us have to contact you for the attendee cell phone and email address. Have that information before you proceed to register.
Continuing Education Credits: Earn up to 0.5 CECs
0.4 Water and Wastewater for Classes (category to be determined by EGLE)
0.1 Water and Wastewater Other for Exhibits
*Attendees will be divided into 2 groups. Each group will view the morning session at their assigned time.
-Mandatory use of registration name badges will be enforced for all attendees throughout the day
-Cancellations: A request for a refund must be written and postmarked or emailed no later than August 1, 2022. No refunds after August 1, 2022. But you may send a substitute.
For More Information:

Okemos, MI 48864 517.657.2601