Hazard Control EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION Dec 12-13, 2023, Mt Pleasant
* Registration open until 12/9/23 at 12:00 AM (EST)
Event Details
Rates include 1 representative for your company, continental breakfast Wednesday and Thursday and lunch on Wednesday.
Do not bring anything that needs to be plugged in. These are tabletops only.
MRWA is not responsible for the safety of your property and equipment.
Hotel info: $85 per night, plus tax. Call 989-891-6000 Be sure to mention that you are part of the Michigan Rural Water Association event when making your reservation.
Terms/Payment/Cancellation Policy: Payment must be made before booth space is assigned. No refunds will be granted after December 5, 2023. The firm/individual names above accepts responsibility for fees incurred. Booth registrations are-non-transferrable. Subleasing of booth space by exhibitors is strictly prohibited.
For More Information:
Okemos, MI 48864 517.657.2601