Sanitary Survey, October 5, 2021, Manistee
0.5 CECs Water Technical
Little River Casino
2700 Orchard HighwayManistee, MI 49660-9752
United States
Event Details
1. You are in the database so DO NOT ADD yourself or create a new account. If you do not know what email address we have on file for you, call the office.
2. Each person must have an INDIVIDUAL EMAIL ADDRESS (It does not have to be a company email, just one they can access).
Continuing Education Credits
0.5 CECs Water Technical
Price: Free but you MUST Pre-Register
Mastering the Sanitary Survey
This class will provide information on how to prepare yourself and your system for that upcoming sanitary survey. This course covers the components of the sanitary survey, and what you need to look for prior to the inspection. It also addresses which records should be made available to the regulator who will be performing the survey.
Learning Outcomes: Each attendee will be informed with the basic knowledge requirements associated with their community participating in a Sanitary Survey.
For officials attending it provides an open forum to add information in a state-by-state requirement of what information and documents they will be requesting to review for completing that states Sanitary Survey.
Download agenda button on the right
For More Information:
Okemos, MI 48864 517.657.2601