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Temporary Traffic Control, June 4, 2024, Jackson

0.6 Water and Wastewater, Other

Tuesday, June 4, 2024
8:30 AM - 3:30 PM (EDT)
11 Seats Remaining

Event Details


1. You are in the database. If you do not know what email address we have on file for you, call the office.

2. Each person must have an INDIVIDUAL EMAIL ADDRESS AND CELL PHONE. We DO NOT SHARE THIS INFO WITH OUTSIDE PARTIES. (It does not have to be a company email, just one they can access for instructions).

AGENDA: Download the registration brochure (under MRWA logo) for details. 

If you are registering one person for all 3 Construction Week classes, call the MRWA office at  517-657-2601 or send us an e-mail to We have to do that registration for you.

Continuing Education Credits: 0.6 Water and Wastewater, Other


$250 Members per attendee

$305 Non-Members per attendee

Temporary Traffic Control plays a vital role in providing safe and efficient traffic flow, ensuring the well being of workers and creating workspaces. Interruptions in normal traffic flow are often necessary in the Public Works industry. This training will provide the technical information required to work safely on Michigan’s highway right of ways. Attendees are encouraged to bring the MMUTCD Part 6 to class.

Payment/Cancellation Policy: Payment is expected prior to class. Cancellations must be requested at least 3 business days prior to the start of the class or your registration fee will be forfeited. If you cancel least 3 days prior to the start of class, the full amount may be refunded. You may send a substitute attendee.


June 4
8:00 AM - 8:30 AM Class Registration
8:30 AM Class Begins

For More Information:

Michigan Rural Water Association Logo 2127 University Park Drive, Suite 340
Okemos, MI 48864