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Wells to Pumps / Water Main Repair and Tapping, February 12 2025, Mt. Pleasant

Wednesday, February 12, 2025
8:30 AM - 4:15 PM (EST)
Event Sold Out

Event Details


1. You are in the database so DO NOT ADD yourself or create a new account. If you do not know what email address we have on file for you, call the office.

2. Each person must have an INDIVIDUAL EMAIL ADDRESS (It does not have to be a company email, just one they can access).

Wells to Pumps
0.3 Water, Technical

Water Main Break Repair & Tapping
0.3 Water, Technical

Member: $185 per attendee
Non-Member: $235 per attendee

Wells to Pumps: Covers Michigan's unique geology and the groundwater chemistry, how water wells are engineered and designed for maximum efficiency and longevity, the design and engineering of well pumps including types of pumps, column and drop pipe assemblies, basic wellhouse piping, controls and SCADA, basic water treatment including iron, manganese, arsenic and radionuclide removal as well as softening systems.

Water Main Repair: Covers fundamental safety protocols, guiding students through the process of locating and preparing a water main for repair. Various types of repair clamps and their real-world applications. Hands-on demonstration where students actively engage in the installation of repair clamps. We will also cover troubleshooting repair problems and, address common challenges.

Water Main Tapping: Procedures used to install a service line. Types of tapping saddles and clamps and their application and installation. Review the different types of service lead materials and fittings.  Hands-on demonstration of a water main tap. Review of the proper installation of curb stops.  


NEW CANCELLATION POLICY: Payment is expected prior to class. Cancellations must be requested 7 business days prior to the start of the class for a full refund. If you cancel less than 7 business days prior to the start of class, there will be a $50 processing fee per day per attendee. You may send a substitute attendee.

For More Information:

Michigan Rural Water Association Logo 2127 University Park Drive, Suite 340
Okemos, MI 48864